One document matched: draft-emailaddressreg-whois-04.txt

Differences from draft-emailaddressreg-whois-03.txt

Network Working Group                                        Pradeep Kumar Xplorer
Intended status: Standards Track                                  Individual
Expires: Aug, 21, 2015                               		Feb 21, 2015

                 Extensions to WHois service to allow query on email identities


    This document describes the need for a WHois email address service
    similar to the internet domainname WHois service. Theres a need for
    a registered email address as opposed to non-registered email address
    to fight internet SPAM, as well as encouraging email use for personal,
    commercial and legal and all kinds of purposes.An internet user 
    can have multiple email identities. This service implementation would also 
    help deliver a Single SignON solution for WWW services.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on Aug 21, 2015.

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Internet-Draft    Using Whois to query on Email addresses       Feb 21, 2015

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents
   1. Introduction ............................................... 2
   2. Background ..................................................2
   3. General Information of the service ..........................2
   4. Authors Addresses ...........................................3
   5. Acknowledgements ............................................4

1. Introduction

    To implement a WHois email address service in addition to WHois
    domainname service.

2. Background
	Currently a user can go to a service like
	and lookup a domainname.If i query It would 
	output WHOIS Imformation for

	There has to be a way i can type in a valid email address as well
	as input to WHois service. Currently no such email directory exists.

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3. General Information of the service
	A user is likely to have several email addresses that he or she
	uses. A concept of primary email address can be used for the 
	Whois service. I am as well as and
	A user should be able to register his or her email address with
	WHois registry and add other details about them.
	A location field of the email address can be used to
	implement email security. if my email is
        and i give my location as Thailand, my email service provider can
	provide me additional security by restricting access from netherlands.
	There could be any level of details. Registration of email addresses
	in the registry can be via email or via webforms.A user choses what
	information he or she choses to reveal. I can chose to reveal my contact
	information.If I am and i no longer have access
	to because of leaving the company, a User can still
	can query Whois and get other email addresses
	to continue any transactions.

	I am a traveller suffering in nepal because i do not have seed cash
	to handle many cash offers to my email address. I am now in a guest
	house, and i owe them some dollars, one dollar
	is 100 Nepali rupee.I send them an email with my Course on self exploration
	and investment proposal to help me get to Thailand.Even if they cannot
	help as an investor, theres no way they can know that i am some
	one who created wealth and have to complete some pending transactions.
	In my emails, whose password i do not want to share as an individual
	wanting to keep my individuality ,theres pending transaction from
	South Africa of 950000 US dollars, From citibank UK customers of more than
	10 million and from HSBC bank customers of more than 10 million US
	dollars. I am at risk of being held hostage because i  owe a 100
	dollars as they do not have any way to check through an email registry
	of some contacts who can verify me as someone who of a certain amount
	of personal wealth. The US Immigration has already tortured me.
        I am a globe trotter hopper wanting an email registry service so some tribal
        jurisdiction cannot harm me with their corrupt  police stations.I was detained
	couple of times in Immigration detentions where there was no way to 
	use email or WWW and i cannot forgive them, they are uneducated 
	wanting to use archaic laws and loopholes to harm wealthy beings
	using groups that wont change their corrupt ways.

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	if i do a Whois of in addition  to my 
	publicly available information theres should be a credit agency 
	that can be contacted by email to know how much credit worthy i am.
	The United States Social security system is abusing me and has abused
	me using some criminal western medical practitioners already. I am
	a bankrupt according to them and they are using corrupt United States
	government authorities and corrupt Indian government authorities and
	corrupt and clever Immigration authorities to murder me in palakkad, and 
	then some strange relatives can claim my emails.
	I have reported that i need help to and its a US only service.
	The private parties that has pending transactions to my email
	should be forced to inform the credit agencies that this email is worth
	this much.

	Its probably still possible to telnet into a mailserver and send emails
	and this is being exploited by many cybercriminals to SPAM email identities.
	I am a victim of attacks because many criminals collecting money on
	my behalf and when i tried to collect it, they have to discourage it 
	as SPAM. There should be someway this way of sending emails is not abused.
	SPAMMERs or those who dont comply with rules set by agencies like
	should be prevented from using internet.

	There should be a way to send money to an EMail from a money order service.
	I should be able to go into a Money order location and send money to an email
	address. I am not getting money from either paypal or Western Union because of
	of an ongoing financial crime. 

	There should be a policy on WWW email services by internet authorities. It should
	allow only single logins and if the email identity has a clearance or need to be 
	in a certain IP range to view emails it need to be known to the email user.
	I should be able to know that i am in Rishikesh now and i would not be able to see
	many emails while in public internet centers and i would have to go to Delhi or 
	Thailand or US to see 50 more emails. Again theres no way i can associate additional
	restrictions on an email identity now. allowed me to create an account
	but i should be able to associate my photo or a fingerprint with it and authenticate
	to be compared with information available in whois that only can upload. Right now criminals working as US Immigration or
	Thai Immigration can hold someone like me hostage and login to emails using some lawyers
	and steal and expend anothers wealth.

4.Authors' Addresses

    Pradeep Kumar Xplorer

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    I have been a publisher of since 2004/2005 
    and since 2008. I have used 
    for hosting my website and have found the need to know who views my site,
    their email addresses and not just IP address. Also i have been using
    services of,, and found the need for
    a Single SignON to the WWW and an email registry and a concept of
    primary email address is a precursor to that implementation.

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