One document matched: draft-ellermann-idnabis-test-tlds-00.xml

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<rfc docName="draft-ellermann-idnabis-test-tlds-00" obsoletes="2606" category="bcp"
     ipr="full3978" xml:lang="en-GB-oed" ><front>
    <title> Reserved Top Level DNS Names </title>
    <author initials="F." surname="Ellermann" fullname="Frank Ellermann">
    <date />
        To reduce the likelihood of conflict and confusion, a few top level
        domain names are reserved for use in private testing, as examples in
        documentation, and the like.  In addition, a few second level domain
        names reserved for use as examples are documented.

    <note title="Editorial note"><t>
        This note and the
        <xref target="history">document history</xref>
        should be removed before publication.

<section title="Introduction"><t>
    The global Internet Domain Name System is documented in
    <xref target="RFC1034" />,
    <xref target="RFC1035" />,
    <xref target="RFC1591" />,
    <xref target="RFC3696" />,
    and numerous additional Requests for Comments. It defines a tree
    of names starting with root, ".", immediately below which are
    top level domain names such as ".com" and ".us". Below top level
    domain names there are normally additional levels of names.
    The key words "MAY", "RECOMMENDED", and "SHOULD" in this memo
    are to be interpreted as described in <xref target="RFC2119" />.

<section title="TLDs for Testing, & Documentation Examples"><t>
    There is a need for top level domain (TLD) names that can be used for
    creating names which, without fear of conflicts with current or
    future actual TLD names in the global DNS, can be used for private
    testing of existing DNS related code, examples in documentation, DNS
    related experimentation, invalid DNS names, or other similar uses.
    For example, without guidance, a site might set up some local
    additional unused top level domains for testing of its local DNS code
    and configuration. Later, these TLDs might come into actual use on
    the global Internet.  As a result, local attempts to reference the
    real data in these zones could be thwarted by the local test
    versions.  Or test or example code might be written that accesses a
    TLD that is in use with the thought that the test code would only be
    run in a restricted testbed net or the example never actually run.
    Later, the test code could escape from the testbed or the example be
    actually coded and run on the Internet. Depending on the nature of
    the test or example, it might be best for it to be referencing a TLD
    permanently reserved for such purposes.
    To safely satisfy these needs, four domain names are reserved as
    listed and described below.

</t><section title='".example"' anchor="example"><t>
    ".example" is RECOMMENDED for use in documentation or as examples.

</t></section><section title='".invalid"'><t>
    ".invalid" is intended for use in online construction of domain
    names that are sure to be invalid, and for which it is obvious at
    a glance that they are invalid. Applications MAY treat ".invalid"
    as what the name says.

</t></section><section title='".localhost"'><t>
    The ".localhost" TLD has traditionally been statically defined in
    host DNS implementations as having an A record pointing to the
    loop back IP address and is reserved for such use.  Any other use
    would conflict with widely deployed code which assumes this use.

</t></section><section title='".test"' anchor="test"><t>
    ".test" is RECOMMENDED for use in testing of current or new DNS
    related code. Applications SHOULD treat ".test" like any other
    TLD, a special handling could defeat the purpose of a test.


<section title="Reserved Example Second Level Domain Names"><t>
    The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) also reserves the
    three second level domain names "", "",
    and "" which can be used in examples as explained
    in <xref target="example" />.
    When TLDs offer further second level domains for examples, the
    TLD administrators are encouraged to publish the relevant policies
    in their TLD as informational RFC.
    The second level domain names "nic", "whois", and "www" are often
    reserved or used for the purposes of the TLD administration. As
    with second level domains for examples this can be an issue in
    the case of a transfer to a new administration.

<section title="Acknowledgments"><t>
    This memo contains major parts of <xref target="RFC2606" /> written
    by Donald E. Eastlake and Aliza R. Panitz. John C. Klensin suggested
    to clarify the guidelines for examples in RFCs.

<section title="Internationalization Considerations" anchor="i18n"><t>
    In 2007 IANA created eleven TLDs for tests of Internationalized
    Domain Names (IDN). The A-labels and corresponding languages are
    listed below, see <xref target="RFC3490" /> or its successor for
    details about IDN. Applications SHOULD treat these IDN test TLDs
    as explained in <xref target="test" />.
    ".xn--0zwm56d"        Chinese (simplified)
    ".xn--11b5bs3a9aj6g"  Hindi
    ".xn--80akhbyknj4f"   Russian
    ".xn--9t4b11yi5a"     Korean
    ".xn--deba0ad"        Yiddish
    ".xn--g6w251d"        Chinese (traditional)
    ".xn--hgbk6aj7f53bba" Persian
    ".xn--hlcj6aya9esc7a" Tamil
    ".xn--jxalpdlp"       Greek
    ".xn--kgbechtv"       Arabic
    ".xn--zckzah"         Japanese

<section title="Security Considerations"><t>
    Confusion and conflict can be caused by the use of a current or
    future top level domain name in experimentation or testing, as an
    example in documentation, to indicate invalid names, or as a synonym
    for the loop back address.  Test and experimental software can escape
    and end up being run against the global operational DNS.  Even
    examples used "only" in documentation can end up being coded and
    released or cause conflicts due to later real use and the possible
    acquisition of intellectual property rights in such "example" names.
    The reservation of several top level domain names for these purposes
    minimizes such confusion and conflict.

<section title="IANA Considerations" anchor="iana"><t>
    IANA reserves the TLDs ".example", ".invalid", ".localhost", ".test",
    and eleven IDN test TLDs as noted above. IANA reserves the second
    level domains "", "", and "".
    IANA creates a public registry of reserved TLDs, this can be done
    alongside existing IANA TLD registries at the discretion of IANA.
    Additional reserved TLDs require IETF review as specified in
    <xref target="RFC5226" /> in conjunction with <xref target="RFC2860" />.

    <references title="Normative References">

    <references title="Informative References">

    <section title="Document History" anchor="history"><t>
        Changes in version 00:
        <list style="symbols"><t>
            Derived from <xref target="RFC2606" /> to resolve a dispute
            about the use of e-mail addresses in RFC examples, adding
            the eleven new IDN test TLDs.

PAFTECH AB 2003-20242024-05-16 17:12:15